February began with a trip to Philadelphia to see the world-famous Wanamaker Organ, the largest pipe organ in the world. It's definitely worth the visit. Located in Macy’s Department Store, the organ may not be available to see after March due to Macy’s closing at the end of the month and the subsequent redevelopment of the store.
Street witnessing provided many opportunities throughout the month, especially at Millersville University and Towson University. Over 30 students heard the Gospel, and 8 of them prayed a prayer of repentance. This is in addition to dozens of tracts being distributed. On Sunday, February 16th, we had another chance to serve at the Helping Up Mission in Baltimore, MD. We took over the Chapel and ran the Sunday morning service, presenting the Gospel to over 40 men through the "Three Circles" presentation. I then led them in a prayer of repentance, and almost all of the men responded by standing and praying the repentance prayer along with me.
In addition to this, we held a food giveaway for the homeless at Lexington Market in Baltimore. Along with distributing a large amount of food, we were able to witness to and pray for dozens of people.
God has blessed us with these opportunities, and I’m looking forward to more in March and throughout the rest of the year.

Above pictured are two students at Millersville University who accepted Christ while we were witnessing there this month.

The photo above is the team for our bi-monthly food giveaway at Lexington Market.

Above: We led a Sunday chapel Service, witnessing to a Group of over 40 Men at Helping Up Mission on February 16. It is an incredible blessing to have this opportunity.
I’m excited to share that I’m teaming up with some wonderful ministry partners to reach out to churches in our community. Our goal is to teach congregations how to easily share the Gospel, making it more accessible for everyone. By doing this, we hope to reach even more people with the good news of God’s love! So far, we’ve had the pleasure of working with several local churches, and we’re eager to connect with even more. If your church is interested in learning more about these methods, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’d love to chat! I appreciate your prayers for this ministry. Please pray that we continue to plant seeds and share the message that God loves everyone. I also ask for guidance as I navigate this journey. If you’re looking for training or want to get involved in any of our outreach efforts, reach out! I would love to have you on board. Thanks for being a part of this journey! If you would like to donate to this ministry, it is a tremendous blessing that allows us to do many different outreaches throughout the year. Please just click here https://feetonthestreet.net/donate/ or the donate button at the top of the page.
As I am wrapping up this newsletter, just as important, “How can I pray for you?“
Blessings to you all,
Dennis Glorioso
Romans 10:14 How can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? and how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? and how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?