The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – December 2024

December is a very special time of year, especially this year. Hanukkah and Christmas Day coincided for only the 4th time in over a century. Jews and Christians celebrated on the same day as Christ was born. I hope and pray your Christmas was very special. This month was spent doing street ministry at Millersville University in Millersville Pa., Central Market in Lancaster, Pa., and Towson, Md. My wife Liz and I also had the privilege of serving Christmas dinner to over 400 men at Helping Up Mission In Baltimore, Md.

This photo above is from the Helping Up Mission. Liz and I made up 400 of the little bagged treats you see here and we gave them out to all the guys as we helped serve Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

The photo above with Bill, Shibu, and me was taken during a witnessing day before Christmas at Central Market in Lancaster, Pa. We were with a team of 6 others sharing the gospel with many shoppers. I had the privilege of leading 3 adults in a prayer of repentance and shared the gospel with 22 other individuals. God is good all the time!!

Below is a video link from Erik Dressel. This is a blessing to watch.

I’m excited to share that I’m teaming up with some wonderful ministry partners to reach out to churches in our community. Our goal is to teach congregations how to easily share the Gospel, making it more accessible for everyone. By doing this, we hope to reach even more people with the good news of God’s love! So far, we've had the pleasure of working with several local churches, and we're eager to connect with even more. If your church is interested in learning more about these methods, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’d love to chat! I appreciate your prayers for this ministry—please pray that we continue to plant seeds and share the message that God loves everyone. I also ask for guidance as I navigate this journey. If you’re looking for training or want to get involved in any of our outreach efforts, reach out! I would love to have you on board. Thanks for being a part of this journey! If you would like to donate to this ministry it is a tremendous blessing that allows us to do many different outreaches throughout the year. Please just click here or the donate button at the top of the page.

As I am wrapping up this newsletter, just as important, "How can I pray for you?“

Blessings to you all,

Dennis Glorioso

Romans 10:14 How can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? and how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? and how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?

reach tHE LOST Together!